Space Math:
Today, Friday 25 Aug
2017, the day will last 86,400.0004578 seconds. Based on averages, in 2117 this same day will be 2.4 ms
(milliseconds) longer or 86,400.0028578 seconds. In 1907 it was 2.4 ms shorter: 86399.9980578 seconds.
According to NASA the math works out as:
m = (y2 - y1 )/ (x2 - x1) = 6 hours / 900
million years or 0.0067 hours/million years. Since there are 3,600 seconds/
hour and 10,000 centuries in 1 million years (Myr), this unit conversion yields
0.0067 hr/Myr x (3600 sec/hr) x (1 Myr / 10,000 centuries) = 0.0024
seconds/century. This is normally cited as 2.4 milliseconds per century.
In the Cryogenian period (900 million years ago) the days
would have been six hours shorter – which also means there would have been 486
days in the year. As the earth continues
to slow in rotation, 900 million years in the future, the days will be 30 hours
long, with only 292 days in the year. i.e. the year will end in mid-October.
The Beginning of Race & Religion:
“There is only one race, the human race.” While this statement means well, it is simply
false. Race
is defined as distinctive physical traits
and culture within interbreeding groups of a species. Thus, a correct account is “There is only human species, with many races.”
If we consider the time between generations to be 25 years;
then ~2800 generations ago** humans began to migrate out of Africa; then the
days would have been closer to 2 seconds shorter than they are today. **the actual number of generations would be higher, as 25 years between
generations is a modern number, as we go further back in time the generation time gap will drop to 20y,
15y, etc..
When the days were 23:58:00 long the statement “only one race”
would have been true, however, this was a fleeting moment in human
evolution. As groups grew, separated and
migrated around the globe, gene pools became isolated. Language
developed independently. Animal worship
(animism) evolved into sun and star worship, which in turn developed into thousands of deities. Then in a relatively short period respectably, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Taoism, etc. progressed into form from the older gods. The
length of the day by the time Judaism was created
was 24 hours less ~28 ms.
After, once the Earth's slowing spin added an
additional 240 ms; Rome destroyed the Jewish temple, provoking a sect of Jews to promote Paul’s comic Jesus into a historical figure. Hence forward for the most part, even
with another 480 ms in the day, we, humans have kept interbreeding in isolated
groups - Guarding our cultures,
religion, and separate races. Providing
unification within these groups thru the fictional character myths of individuals such as King Arthur, Buddha, Krishna, Odysseus, Thor, Jesus, and in American culture
even Betty Crocker.
The End of Race & Religion:
Getting back to the modern, near 24 hour, day – Today I was in
an all-day workshop; there were 17 of us, broken down as follows:
5 people
from the Indian subcontinent
5 of Northern European background
3 Asian
1 of Southern European background (born in South
1 African
1 Polynesian
1 Mesoamerican
All of these people are now American,
all living in the U.S.. To unify us today, we don’t need a god. We are a team. Working for the
same company with a common goal; 'for our project to be successful.'
As the generations move forward,
and a child with parents from one side of the globe grows up next door to kids with links from another side of the world,
nature will take hold. Our breeding gene pool will change in a blink of an eye from a single region to the globe. Essentially in x generations, we will f*ck our way back to one race, removing the
need for religion along with it. And we
may only need to add 120 ms to the day to do it, or 2120 ms since the last time humans were one race.